Tuesday, December 24

A lil big aroha!

Nestor Haddaway famously sings a vocal- “What is Love?? Whoa whoa!!” But it was wrong on his part not to tell anything except asking! Hmm..so then, I was being asked by my self to answer this!! Okay! It seemed a big one to be answered by me! So, I did turn to my all time trusted Oxford dict for the same. Well! it didn’t stand to my expectations this time :/ . It describes love to be a great sense of affection for some person. Hmm…is it just an affection sentience!!!...I guess, No yar!! I even have affection for you if you were being sent an invitation to read this piece of writing! Okk fine..I accept that I don’t have that great philia for you, as I do have for the person I love. But still, I bet love would be something much bigger than this affection!..this being just a part of it!

What is this big thing then?? Hmm… I myself don’t know about its resolution, but the thing I know is that it’s a feeling for that one person which I don’t have for any other!  Its that I can’t even imagine my life living without her and want her to be there in every sphere of my life..maybe that’s my love!!  Or maybe when I want to share all my happiness & lugubriousness with her, that’s my love!  I want her to be the source of my happiness. And when she smiles or when I hear that chuckle laughter of hers, my heart seems blissful, I guess that can be my love!  Or its that when her small so-called gadde (people term it better as dimples) make me go gaga!  Or is it when i can’t see her doleful!  Also, the feeling to care for her sounds love. Or its that I want her to be the one whom I can rely on!  Or it can be when I am an all-excited talking to her!  Or may be when I want to sit beside her and do endless talks averring out whatever comes to this lil mind, that can be my love!!  Or its when I am true to her, without wangling things up! And when I can’t stop thinking about her, or when her smile goes on flashing in my head, or when random thoughts coming to this head always end up on her or when I miss her the minute- she is not there, that can also be my aroha! I want her to be my strength in every way,…the source of my passion for whom I could do anything,..to be the push making me more endurable!

It could be her decency or correctitude, or that good values or her resemblance to simple things of life, is what I love about her. Or it’s a feeling of being complete with her as if she is a part of me & having that peace of mind! Ya fir, its when I quarrel with her & soon after want to conciliate with her back to good terms, as if the dustup had never happened! My love could also be that I want her to be the one who understands me, expects from me, orders me, who gives me cue becoming a good person, who is the first to know my things, who just loves me, who gives me especial names, who laughs with me,.. nd sab kuch yr!! Its each and every lil thing I love about her...the way she is, is what I have loved!

I can go on writing this piece for lengths, but I don’t think that love can be defined in words, otherwise no difference would have been there in liking and loving!! :)

Thursday, November 21

Ring the Bell.. Be the Change!!

Its 9 in the morning. With a dainty coffee mug in hand, I switch on television to get wind of the news. And the first thing there is..about a girl child who had been assaulted while coming back from some rally after getting a free laptop. Unfortunately this is not a lone incident..switch to NDTV or any other, or just pick a newspaper, you’ll find the every fifth column related to this ravishment. Even if you start categorizing the news, broadly you’ll find only two- one related to the current political scenario…and the other being related to this violence (other subjects just turn out to be short term, like the one happening Sachin era in the last few days). Here the matter of concern is that even when we all are aware about this epidemic evil which has crippled our country, still we haven’t been able to find a solution to curb the same. Does this mean that it hasn’t one??

Maa Ambey, Durga, Bhawani or other avatars…we all reckon Her to be the supreme power of this earth…Am I right na?? Yeah, I am.. even the most ancient holy scriptures Vedas underline the gravity & significance of women. And its not only about Vedas, go for any...be it Bible or Kuran or other…you’ll find the same in each.. emphasizing the due preponderate respect for women in society. On one side, where we are all-ready to take up swords, pelt stones and even shed our blood on the name of religion (which most of us aren’t even ready to donate to needy)…but on the other, it’s a matter of shame that we have failed to understand the main drift of religion which aims on - creating a society for everyone to live in peacefully! Again the same question has come to my mind – Why?? Whether we’ll continue to stay aphasic over this? If yes, until when?? Will India continue to remain the same for generations to come?

NO...a big no..How can we dare not react!! We are a part of this society. Until when would we be able to shield ourselves from this horrifying truth? We would have to face it in a way or other at some time...may be today..maybe tomorrow. Obviously, we are bound to respond yaar! We can’t continue the approach of just reading all these in daily newspapers & then throwing them to kabadivalas! The time has come to instigate our mental shift. I was quite happy to see the people’s anger and resentment after the recent wake of Nirbhaya’s case. People shifted from their chairs, came on the roads, participated in the debates, changed their nifty facebook pics with black dots, demanded for more strict laws, several new organizations for women empowerment came..but to the disappointment, all that lasted only for just a few days..may be a month or two! Even the stats haven’t reported of any decline in violence… and as usual, people are back to muffle lookers-on… and this India still remains the same unsafe India.

I thought it may be something in our Indian Constitution then, which would have deprived the women of their stature…but to my surprise, it doesn’t even uses the man/woman terminologies, and rather it talks about equal rights to each citizen of this country irrespective of sex, age or so. And for the people, who brush aside their clothes by laying fingers on the remit of Govt., lemme tell u that it’s India on this globe which has laid down the maximum number of laws/schemes for women empowerment (PWDV Act is such an important exemplum).

Then, where does the problem lie! Hmm..i guess it would be with us then!! Its our attitude which has been hindering the implementation of all the laws & empathy of the women’s significance in our society. We are in 21st century and swash about our development, economic growth & what not! But still, people continue to stuck in gender biased thinking & deeply rooted systems of patriarchy, and don’t see women as compeer to men. All this violence is the outburst of a wrong belief of supremacy and the desire to project one as strong & fearsome to the weak. I don’t understand why this cerebration still prevails! See the role played by women in IT, or be it sciences or economy…we hail from such a country which had been ruled by female President /PM & continues to be governed by female CMs.

We need to cogitate on the fact that the women are to be respected and are not a tool to be played with. The time has come to do action, to take a step forward, to induce egalitarianism & not being just a mute rubberneck. India can’t no more be a living hell for women. To stop this violence, both men and women would have to work in concert towards changing cultural norms & holding debauchers accountable. It needs collective action to challenge the habits, norms and cultures that perpetuate violence. Sometimes, I wish if there were Shaktiman or some superhuman, who could have actually destroyed the evil which has crippled our society. Anyhow, talking pragmatically, its ‘we’ who would have to bring the change. You would have to! The change has to be from within you.. from your four walls.. from your society..and only then the change we need will come to this Great Bharat!! One person adds up to one million; one million acts add up to change!!

Time has come to Ring the Bell loud and clear!!    

(The more views of the author on the same can be read here under – “Imp Shades of Society!!”) 

Friday, October 11

Life is short, but is wide!!

Life seems short na…most of us have already completed a crucial part of our lives…a big 25 years (m just 22 vaise :P)…still life seems incomplete…and now our hands are even full with those heightened responsibilities, career constrictions, blah blah

SO WHAT!! May be life is short; but still, it is big wide too. The scope of life doesn’t subsist in what we have done or achieved in the years we lived, rather it exists in the time we are living at present. The wideness of our life lies in the purposeful completeness of our coeval…our present… In fact, it is the moment we feel the most alive, that counts. It could be while walking in the rain, giggling among friends, smiling at strangers, waiting for our turn at some ATM…it could be any moment!

Life is full of possibilities. Our life may be becoming shorter day by day, but we still have many opportunities to achieve more completeness in our lives to make it panoptic. We just need to bring our attention purposefully to the moment by acquiescing that we are alive & breathing and are colligated to other souls with some value. We still do have a lot of time to experience pleasures, new people and new moments, where our compassion, our dynamism, our vim, our existence will make a real difference in our lives & in those, we touch.

In this very day and the very minute, we do have the potential to transform the life by using the experiences and insights, we have gained over the years. We just need to be mindful about the unlimited ourselves and this capacious time available to us. Even the quantum physics has shown, time is of many dimensions, and even though time ticks on, we live, the universe lives, in a room that is so wide that it has no edges.

So for what are we waiting for?? Lets do it now. Now is the time to scour it, to examine it & make it happen… 

Isn’t it quite w-i-d-e-r than we thought!! :)

Wednesday, August 7

Happiness is all that matters!! :)

It’s quite a bold statement to make, isn’t it? Wait…before you say anything, just wear a smile first! J Feeling relieved...ahhhan...good, now you look better!! After all, all that matters at the end of the day is the smile on your face. And the irony is that the best things in this world, whether it be a hug, smile or love, are absolutely free (baniya soch!).

What is it we run after? Big qualifications, bigger payrolls, modern means of living...blah blah…Did you ever realize the reason behind it..?? Well…its just that, our inner we is searching for pleasure, happiness and contentment through these means. The sole force compelling us to engage into these is the desire to achieve happiness for us and our dear ones.

Now, where does this happiness come from? Its all here in this tiny mind (you may have a big one J). Its quite surprising…hmm…but its true, and we all knew this fact when we were younger, we now have simply forgotten! Remember the days, when we found simple pleasures from little things …that pitter-patter of raindrops, watching rainbow, annoying our siblings, playing with friends, licking cream from biscuits…the list is unending.

Abraham Lincoln said,” People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” It still remains true. The happiness is in the eyes of beholder, the materialistic things seldom play a role. Happiness is not the thing you can buy out at mart or download from android market! Rather, it’s a virtue you cultivate within. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, rather it means that you have decided to look past the imperfections. Not complaining and living in contentment makes one happier. It’s a feeling of being content that really counts.

I would also like to share an example cited  by a friend of mine-
“A group of ex-students visited their University Professor. Their conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in life. Offering them coffee, Prof returned from kitchen with a pot of coffee and different cups - porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain looking & some expensive ones.
When all had a cup of coffee in hand, Professor said,” If you noticed, all the expensive cups were taken up first, leaving the plain ones for the last. It is normal for you to want only the best. But that is what, the source of your stress. What you really wanted was coffee, not the cup. But still, you all went for the best cups & were even eyeing each other's!
If life Is coffee, then money & status in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold & contain life. Don't let the cups drive you.
Enjoy the Coffee.!! c

Don’t prorogue the joy to a time you think to be perfect to enjoy. Just look for little opportunities around to bask the small pleasures. Expend your time developing a positive attitude and start with simple happiness. You will eventually have both!! J

Thursday, May 16

Imp Shades of Society!!

As I write this, India would have indigenously developed the cruise missile, Rahul Gandhi would have taken the seat as VP of the Congress, cricket players would have geared up for IPL quarter finals, BJP would have been deciding upon their strategies for ’14 elections, RBI would have increased the deposit rates….and away from all these, one more person would have been sexually harassed in some part of this country!! On one side, we are talking of globalised India; are planning to setup new corps for China border or are pacting deal with US to increase our external strengths, but on the other side every 26 minutes a woman is molested, every 34 minutes a rape takes place, and every 43 minutes a woman is kidnapped!

I proudly accept that we are strong enough to defend ourselves from any possible attack of neighboring countries, but the question arises here is that whether we are strong enough internally to protect interests of every individual of this country. The voice of women and children is being suppressed and are being harassed every day, Naxalites kill dozens of police personnel every other day, clashes occur every other time in some part of the country on the name of religion….this list is unending!!(let’s not discuss the later issues here).

Who is responsible here?? Most of us would brush aside our clothes by quickly announcing the law and order as culprit. Ok fine, lets have a look on the steps taken by the Government. In the recent wake of Damini’s case, Cabinet Ministers did a couple of meetings to frame the penalty ordinances; the Delhi Govt. started with a helpline number(181) for women, which even some complain of no response and usual busy lines. Again all the fault rests on the part of Govt. We again relentlessly point our fingers at the Govt. and move to India Gate or start spreading boorish messages for govt. I ask what have we done?? Whether mere walking down to India Gate with candles or updating facebook profiles with black dots serves our responsibility?? We need to understand that we are part of a developing nation and all that society needs can’t be taken up by the Govt. Mere electing our representatives doesn’t takes away our onus. Even the Delhi’s 181 hotline programme has failed to serve the purpose due to lack of commitment on our part. You would be surprised to know that people call the no. to enquire about timings of bus services or to complain of electricity outages...and then we complain of the busy lines!!

Anyhow, I am not here to speak in favor of govt. and I am definitely not against people’s anger (rather I see the rage and anguish to be a good starting sign for the long needed reforms to strengthen our society). All I just want to add here is that the change we need has to start from within. More laws, more police on streets or more CCTVs will do a little. We have ourselves to blame to a large extent and need to realise that its our unbounden duty to protect the interests of this society; & not mere of Govt’s. The moment we all would have realised our responsibilities, curbing these social diseases would be just a matter of small time. We need to remind ourselves of the great humanity that should exist in the people of this great Bharat. We have to see ourselves as the part of the society and contribute in whatever way possible, regardless of being concerned about the returns. The society will definitely repay us in the long run in a much big way!

Lets see how we bring about a change in ourselves from here on, or whether marching down the roads is just a momentary outburst of emotions. Now, if atleast this incident doesn’t bring change, nothing else would do!! Its time to Ring The Bell !!
(The views contained in the post are solely of the author and don’t pertain to the views of Government or any other group, on the concerned matter.)

Sunday, May 5

Uncomfortable is the New Comfortable!!

Life calls for a change. When the change is on the way, one experiences being in an uncomfortable situation. We are naturally wired to resist the change, despite being how much better it be. It appears that we are going to miss the beautiful moments if we move out of our comfort zone & we go to great lengths to avoid such situations, but the fact is that we do skip the much more wonderful things, out of our fear. But what if we become comfortable with the uncomfortable!! Then we’ll make different choices, we’ll love being in discomfort & will welcome the change!

Comfort zone is a silent killer. Most of the people work hard in their lives to live in comfort at later stage, but they fail to realize that they grew the most when they were working in discomfort. It is an established fact that one needs to be in discomfort to learn new things & grow thereof. And with time the things get easier & the uncomfortable becomes the new comfortable. This explains why the pain of pinching skin gradually seems less with time. No one has ever died of discomfort; rather living in sweet spot has killed many opportunities & ideas. Thinking oneself to be safe while in comfort zone is a huge mistake!

The other side of comfort zone is always scary, but it is where the magic happens. This is when opportunities emerge in our life & we move to the next level. Yes, there would be times when we would be low & would just want to give up, but if we pull up the courage to move to the other side of our sweet spot & don’t lose sight of the bigger picture, we experience a new world. Because these exactly are the moments, which set us up for growth, joy, new experiences & real comfort in our life. When I look at my past, I realise that there were many uncomfortable moments in my life which later on turned out to be great wins.

To do big things & live life without regret, one has to be out of one’s territories. And the moment one allows himself to become comfortable with discomfort, is where one starts living. Start feeling uncomfortable being comfortable, otherwise you’ll end up shelving your dreams & realizing their importance at a later part of life. Welcome the moments and celebrate your work!!

As they say, ”If you want to grow and do something new, you have to be in uncharted waters. That’s just how it works! Yes, its scary, but don’t you wanna see what’s on the other side??”   

Sunday, January 27

Ignited Minds

I read this great book titled ‘Ignited Minds’ written by former president of India-Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. I found it very invigorating, exactly what I was looking for these days. Through this book, he has made a successful effort of unveiling the power of imagination in young. He dreams of a developed India by 2020 & emphasizes on developing a vision common to all citizens of India, to achieve the same. He mentioned that through his projects in space, defence & nuclear sectors, his interaction with children, industry leaders, teachers, saints & seers, he has come to know that Indian people have a fantastic mix of belief & knowledge which sets them apart from the other world; Indian people have ability to achieve the best in the world. The only reason, we are way behind is that our potential remains untapped because we have become used to being subjugated & docile. The book is all about breaking away the forces that prefer India to remain a nation of billion selling cheap labor and providing a large market for goods & services of other nations. The book asks us to ‘start moving.’ He says – Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way, Hard work is the solution. This book is all about developing that conviction in ourselves and discarding the things that hold us back. The book says that India is truly blessed with abundance of resources. Their scarcity is not the cause of our problems. The only problem seems to be the attitude problem. The trapped energies and suppressed initiative need to be freed and properly harnessed. Ancient India was a knowledge society that contributed a great deal to civilization. We need to regain the status & become a knowledge power.

The way to development has to be made through purposeful activity. Youth have to be guided to a proper direction with a vision & their creativity has to be allowed to flower. Certain educational reforms have to be initiated. The center-state efforts have to be coordinated in key areas & have to be taken up in mission mode. Our mindset needs to change, having willingness to take pragmatic risks. Success will follow. We need to realize that missions are always bigger than organisations, just as organisations are always bigger than the individuals who run them. It is a power that is deep within us.

The whole country struggled to achieve the first vision of independence, over decades. To protect it, it is our bounden duty & not a matter of choice & convenience. We again need a vision that is shared by the entire nation.

Ignite minds & think big!

Tuesday, January 15

A fresh start to the day!!

Let me begin by acknowledging the efforts put in by my roommate, Mr. Kirti (some people may better know him as future IAS) for becoming the reason for which I was able to experience a new side of nature. Its 6 in morning and the alarm clock rings (as said by my roommate which I couldn’t obviously hear as I have developed immunity to alarms J). He took the blanket off me & asked me to wake up for a morning walk. My only reply to him in half open eyes turned to be – “Yar, today is not the day we decided for, and otherwise, we still got 6 more months in PU to do such an adventure, why do such a thing in this chilly morning!!”  & again took the thick cover to protect me from the bleak hours. But since my tough roommate was determined to take me, he again took me (I guess we would have been bigot enemies in our last janams) & told me that we need to do this only once. Okay, I finally wake up hearing the once thing and the moment I put my feet on earth, he continued – “once in a week”. OMG…this was the time I would have just killed him, had my eyelids been fully open! (more than Obama would have ever wanted for Mr. Osama). Anyhow, we got ready by 6.25 or maybe 6.30 (as I am still in sleep) and stepped out of our hostels.

It was about 8-10 degrees outside and the moment I stepped out, which I expected to be one hell, to my surprise I was filled with an all time different and new energy. For the first time, I was enjoying the morning rather of shivering in those winter’s early biting hours. Oh wait...I guess I forgot to tell you the place we are headed to..its none other than the most beautiful place in Chandigarh – Sukhna Lake!!  The lake is at a distance of 5 kms or so from our campus & we, a group of five started to ramble to reach the same before sunrise (yeah, you got it right-we were on foot). It took us around 40 mins to reach the lake which entailed all forms of mobility-walking, running, jogging, jumping over cairns & even inside-out back walk! :) So finally we reached the place at around 7.10 or something. The stunning grandeur of the place at early morning is worth mentioning here. A cool breeze welcomed us with the birds’ soft pitched chirps. Although the icy breeze wanted to cut us thick, but we came well prepared with necessary warm attire. Nevertheless, despite being dressed properly, we could enjoy the lovely chill of the flowing air. On one side, I could see the trees and on the other, a seemingly unbounded lake beautifully placed with mountains. All the happenings of life suddenly disappeared and all I could wonder was the beauty of nature. Really saying, at this time I can’t get hold of words to describe that moment..the only I could term it is as one of the best touch of nature I remember.

But this wasn’t the place we were to stop, rather we were destined to reach the end of the lake, to the Garden of Silence. The lake stretches to around 2.2 kms. So, we set straight our shoes and started to jog along the stretch of lake. This is the time again worth citing when the cool breeze passes touching face, legs are about to fall out of fatigue but you are determined not to stop, brain tries to synchronize with those instrumental music in headphones, and you close your eyes & this is what you call a real feel (here, used as the common Hindi word). All the things seemed to fall in order and whenever stress tried to knock the door, the moment threw it out by saying-“Damn, can’t you see..m enjoying!” After a long struggle b/w legs and determination, we finally managed to reach the end, the Garden of Silence. And I should tell you, when you are totally burnt out after covering a long stretch along the lake, and you just sit at the Garden while beholding Buddha (for those who don’t know, a Buddha’s statue has been ensconced at the end of the lake, in the Garden of Silence), you get to discover your inner silence…a smile happens to come on you face for no reason! The nature just takes away all your stress & fatigue and restores your happiness. It shows the love and patience to you as it were your favorite thing or best friend. I was also lucky enough to witness the sunrise at the lake and I bet the moment was no less than the same experienced at Andamans, Kerala beaches or hilly areas. The scenic beauty and serenity of the place was heavenly. The golden rays of sun shined over the water to turn the moments into golden one. The flora & fauna got reinvigorated by sun rays and the melodious humming of birds, and collectively depicted the Mother Nature.

After enjoying the serenity of nature, we headed back to our campus at around 9.30 and enjoyed our breakfast leisurely at the student centre when making our way back to hostel. J