Wednesday, August 7

Happiness is all that matters!! :)

It’s quite a bold statement to make, isn’t it? Wait…before you say anything, just wear a smile first! J Feeling relieved...ahhhan...good, now you look better!! After all, all that matters at the end of the day is the smile on your face. And the irony is that the best things in this world, whether it be a hug, smile or love, are absolutely free (baniya soch!).

What is it we run after? Big qualifications, bigger payrolls, modern means of living...blah blah…Did you ever realize the reason behind it..?? Well…its just that, our inner we is searching for pleasure, happiness and contentment through these means. The sole force compelling us to engage into these is the desire to achieve happiness for us and our dear ones.

Now, where does this happiness come from? Its all here in this tiny mind (you may have a big one J). Its quite surprising…hmm…but its true, and we all knew this fact when we were younger, we now have simply forgotten! Remember the days, when we found simple pleasures from little things …that pitter-patter of raindrops, watching rainbow, annoying our siblings, playing with friends, licking cream from biscuits…the list is unending.

Abraham Lincoln said,” People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” It still remains true. The happiness is in the eyes of beholder, the materialistic things seldom play a role. Happiness is not the thing you can buy out at mart or download from android market! Rather, it’s a virtue you cultivate within. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, rather it means that you have decided to look past the imperfections. Not complaining and living in contentment makes one happier. It’s a feeling of being content that really counts.

I would also like to share an example cited  by a friend of mine-
“A group of ex-students visited their University Professor. Their conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in life. Offering them coffee, Prof returned from kitchen with a pot of coffee and different cups - porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain looking & some expensive ones.
When all had a cup of coffee in hand, Professor said,” If you noticed, all the expensive cups were taken up first, leaving the plain ones for the last. It is normal for you to want only the best. But that is what, the source of your stress. What you really wanted was coffee, not the cup. But still, you all went for the best cups & were even eyeing each other's!
If life Is coffee, then money & status in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold & contain life. Don't let the cups drive you.
Enjoy the Coffee.!! c

Don’t prorogue the joy to a time you think to be perfect to enjoy. Just look for little opportunities around to bask the small pleasures. Expend your time developing a positive attitude and start with simple happiness. You will eventually have both!! J

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