We all
have a comfort zone, or may be several. These are the circles we draw in our
lives, to protect what’s inside without doing much of the efforts. We tend to
live in these zones, well because these are comfortable. We repeatedly do only
a certain set of familiar actions with same habitual mindset in these zones,
and we get the same results. This is like investing money only in secured Govt. bonds
with known constant low returns (p.s.- I am a MBA guy J). When we live in our comfort zones,
our growth gets stagnated and we settle for mediocrity. But since, we all do
have dreams and for their fulfillment, we need to step out from our comfort
zones to new zones. We need to expand our actions, so as to find a new us in
ourself…to unlock our potentials...and to have insight into the true self.
We all know this!!…but even then, we
are afraid to expand our zones, the reason being-comfort. But as they say,” You cannot make waves if you do not leave
the shore”. It may be difficult in starting, but as you go with time, your new
actions become your habits and you are driven to new exciting results…to a
greater person.
So, its time to rezone…Dare, discover
and be all that you can be…!!
In fact, Life begins at the end of Comfort Zone...