Monday, October 15

The Road not taken…

When we look back, we see a lot of options, we could have chosen…a couple of roads, we could have taken..!! It seems that we would have been in a better situation, if we would have taken the other roads. Many people may support this by arguing that the road taken actually plays an important role in determining one’s success. But I strongly oppose them because I believe that success actually depends on  your goal, your efforts and foremostly…your attitude! I would rather say, choose a path and then make it right to work for you. The path may have more hurdles than the other ones, but when you are determined to reach the goal, it ultimately takes you to the destination.

As Earl Nightingale says,”The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along any path to its fulfillment.”

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