Thursday, January 1

Will it be just a year ahead??

The title of this post is possibly a bit thick headline this blog would have ever seen, but this is exactly what I’m thinking right now. The new year is upon us and the time has come to say good bye to 2014 and welcome a new one-2015. The world didn’t end this time (as earlier predicted by many), I guess God would have postponed His plans to a better day. Anyhow, it was a long and incredible year with a lot of changes and full of surprises, fun & sorrows, new friends and contained some of the best experiences of life. 2014 has been a big year for me, astricted feel for the career started in me and had to take some hard decisions, laptop crashed & a lot more interesting happened. I guess most of you also had a crazy year with a lot of vicissitudes in your lives. Oh great...and now after 12 months of time, we are all in this, together again here to witness a big change – a change in year!! I love changing calendars at this time :). It’s that time again to analyse our past and look to the coming one. So this time also, we’ll be taking some new year resolutions!! And as usual, in beginning, we’ll be full of hope & anticipation and as the excitement of new year will fade, we’ll find same no. of excuses not to work on most of those big resolutions in the first month itself, and again we’ll be on the same old patterns (atleast this happens to me & most of people I know). Undoubtedly, taking resolutions is a great start for a new year (even I made many lists over the years), but when you talk about reality, they just look good in theory! I am not here to say that we shouldn’t take them; rather they are as essential as a new year eve’s party :P. I just wanted to add a thing here. This time, instead of taking resolutions, make an aim. Resolutions will automatically follow it. You just focus working for your aim & make it your passion, resolutions will axiomatically work for you!! I know I’m talking big here, but think if this thing can get me started for jogging schedule, I’m sure this can create wonders for you :).

And most of us would be enjoying and partying on this New Year’s Eve, there are also some people on this earth, rather many, who search for their happiness in that of people like us. So for this great new Year (as forecasted by astronomy and India’s PMO), we should start understanding our responsibility towards society. One of my friends usually says in this regard-‘One smile on their face fills my appetite for one week. And for that smile, they just need to see my love for them’.  On this new Year, start making others happy, & then you’ll feel an all new happiness in you.

In the first post for this year, I bet 2015 to be much better and interesting…we will make it! There’s a lot we all want to bring in. The start of this Year would help us forget mistakes in our past and move forward with a new enthusiasm. And now, while enjoying the first shahi paneer meal of this year, I wish for a vibrating and prosperous New Year for all of us. Wishing you a lovely 2015 that brings with great love & luck for you.
Good bye 2014, you were great…but 2015 would be much greater …Welcome 2015...!!
Enjoy the New Year’s Eve party…!! :)