Maa Ambey, Durga, Bhawani or other
avatars…we all reckon Her to be the
supreme power of this earth…Am I right na??
Yeah, I am.. even the most ancient holy scriptures Vedas underline the gravity & significance of women. And its
not only about Vedas, go for any...be
it Bible or Kuran or other…you’ll find the same in each.. emphasizing the due
preponderate respect for women in society. On one side, where we are all-ready
to take up swords, pelt stones and even shed our blood on the name of religion (which
most of us aren’t even ready to donate to needy)…but on the other, it’s a
matter of shame that we have failed to understand the main drift of religion
which aims on - creating a society for everyone to live in peacefully! Again
the same question has come to my mind – Why??
Whether we’ll continue to stay aphasic over this? If yes, until when?? Will
India continue to remain the same for generations to come?
NO...a big no..How can we dare not react!! We are a part of this society. Until
when would we be able to shield ourselves from this horrifying truth? We would
have to face it in a way or other at some time...may be today..maybe tomorrow.
Obviously, we are bound to respond yaar! We can’t continue the approach of just
reading all these in daily newspapers & then throwing them to kabadivalas!
The time has come to instigate our mental shift. I was quite happy to see the
people’s anger and resentment after the recent wake of Nirbhaya’s case. People
shifted from their chairs, came on the roads, participated in the debates,
changed their nifty facebook pics with black dots, demanded for more strict laws,
several new organizations for women empowerment came..but to the
disappointment, all that lasted only for just a few days..may be a month or
two! Even the stats haven’t reported of any decline in violence… and as usual,
people are back to muffle lookers-on… and this India still remains the same unsafe India.

where does the problem lie! Hmm..i guess it would be with us then!! Its our attitude which has been hindering the
implementation of all the laws & empathy of the women’s significance in our
society. We are in 21st century and swash about our development,
economic growth & what not! But still, people continue to stuck in gender
biased thinking & deeply rooted systems of patriarchy, and don’t see women
as compeer to men. All this violence is the outburst of a wrong belief of
supremacy and the desire to project one as strong & fearsome to the weak. I
don’t understand why this cerebration still prevails! See the role played by
women in IT, or be it sciences or economy…we hail from such a country which had
been ruled by female President /PM & continues to be governed by female CMs.

Time has come to Ring the Bell loud and