Monday, January 23

The Present

Can you tell what is the best present you can give to yourself..which will make you happy….?? Can it be some expensive Mercedes, some good PG in your hand…or may be a good job in some reputed firm…..or something else….??

You already know
 What the Present is…
 You already know
Where to find it..

And you already know
How it can make you
Happier and more successful.

You knew it best when
You Were Younger..

You have simply forgotten..

I just read the book “The Present” by “Spencer Johnson”. Through this book, I realized that just by living & enjoying your present, can be the best present (gift) you can ever give to yourself. Mr. Johnson has done a remarkable job in emphasizing the need to live in enjoy the present moment....

The Present is
the Present Moment...

The Present is Right Now..!!

Now, some people would definitely argue,” Its easy to say, but not to implement….its not always possible to live in the present moment, how can one forget his past….?? “ The only answer to this lies in...

It is hard to
Let go of The Past
If you have not Learned
From The Past.

As soon as you
learn and let go,
You improve The Present

By living in the present, we not only enjoy & utilize the best of the also helps in predicting and controlling The Future. The more clearly we imagine now for our future wants..and more we do something now to help it happen….the more The Future is known to us…the more we are successful..!!

Saturday, January 21


Somewhat used for Chartered Financial Analysts….Always dreamt to be the one for Airtel. People close to me would definitely know this. From the last 1 & a half year, even my laptop begged me to change the wallpaper saying Nishant Goel as CFA…
Eighth semester left me all alone with no roommate & I guess with no friends left….with no more mehfils or asking for water in rooms….helping me concentrate on my career . Laughing stock turned into some serious career oriented person. Again CFA was the first word to come in my mind….For the  next two days, searched for successful CFA people, saw their testimonials and videos….OMG they filled me with such a enthusiasm that I even bought a book on “Financial Mgt” by ‘IM Pandey’ on the very same have more insight in finance. This slogged period even helped me earn a title – “Mature ho gaya tu to” from our beloved Sahil (some people may know him better as ’Google’).

Third day at library, again the same…searching for CFA exam’s curriculum, coaching, scope..blah blah….then suddenly came across the number of students passing CFA annually – just 39% of appearing students  & that’s the no. for just CFA level 1. The 2nd & 3rd level even lie ahead in the game of numbers with just 40 & 50% resp.  After this an another shock came to me, when I saw the enrollment charges for appearing in level 1- 1300 $. Soon after that, the questions took no time to occupy my mind……Would I be able to compete with professionals around the world & will I land in the successful part which is even less than 39% of people appearing with great knowledge in this field…?? Should I ask my father for CFA when I can’t assure him of becoming one…..?? Should I really do CFA or concentrate on my regular studies…??
Still in search for answers….For the time being, I am back to my daily work..and yes, soon going to start ‘The Big Bang Theory’….!! JJ