Sunday, May 5

Uncomfortable is the New Comfortable!!

Life calls for a change. When the change is on the way, one experiences being in an uncomfortable situation. We are naturally wired to resist the change, despite being how much better it be. It appears that we are going to miss the beautiful moments if we move out of our comfort zone & we go to great lengths to avoid such situations, but the fact is that we do skip the much more wonderful things, out of our fear. But what if we become comfortable with the uncomfortable!! Then we’ll make different choices, we’ll love being in discomfort & will welcome the change!

Comfort zone is a silent killer. Most of the people work hard in their lives to live in comfort at later stage, but they fail to realize that they grew the most when they were working in discomfort. It is an established fact that one needs to be in discomfort to learn new things & grow thereof. And with time the things get easier & the uncomfortable becomes the new comfortable. This explains why the pain of pinching skin gradually seems less with time. No one has ever died of discomfort; rather living in sweet spot has killed many opportunities & ideas. Thinking oneself to be safe while in comfort zone is a huge mistake!

The other side of comfort zone is always scary, but it is where the magic happens. This is when opportunities emerge in our life & we move to the next level. Yes, there would be times when we would be low & would just want to give up, but if we pull up the courage to move to the other side of our sweet spot & don’t lose sight of the bigger picture, we experience a new world. Because these exactly are the moments, which set us up for growth, joy, new experiences & real comfort in our life. When I look at my past, I realise that there were many uncomfortable moments in my life which later on turned out to be great wins.

To do big things & live life without regret, one has to be out of one’s territories. And the moment one allows himself to become comfortable with discomfort, is where one starts living. Start feeling uncomfortable being comfortable, otherwise you’ll end up shelving your dreams & realizing their importance at a later part of life. Welcome the moments and celebrate your work!!

As they say, ”If you want to grow and do something new, you have to be in uncharted waters. That’s just how it works! Yes, its scary, but don’t you wanna see what’s on the other side??”   

